Whether she meant to create an IWC firestorm or was simply emoting her own personal frustrations, Gail Kim certainly made statement last Monday night on Raw.
Blink and you may have missed the scene at the 37-second mark of the above clip, when Gail — after landing some offense on Alicia Fox during the Divas Battle Royal — chose to roll out of the ring and eliminate herself from not only the match, but as it turns out, from the WWE as well.
That’s right, according to Gail Kim’s Twitter feed, she’d simply had enough of being a WWE Diva, where she was relegated to 30 second matches, or, even more offensively, was told last Monday night to be “get got” and get gone from the Divas Battle Royal in under 1 minute.
These instructions clearly set her over the edge, and I, for one, don’t blame her one bit.
After all, you are talking about a woman who had some very solid, lengthy matches when the TNA Knockouts division was at its peak, including a feud with Awesome Kong that even wound up main eventing some Impact TV shows at one point. I submit Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong for the TNA Knockouts Championship at Final Resolution 2008 as my prime example of what Gail Kim can bring to the table when given the right outlet and the proper time:
Part 2 is below:
And so I say, all hail Gail Kim.
She didn’t like her situation, she expressed her displeasure, and she quit because she just couldn’t take it anymore.
And for those who say she shouldn’t have “broken the fourth wall” by simply eliminating herself from the Divas Battle Royal, my rebuttal is this:
When it first happened, did you even notice?
I thought so.
As for Gail, I think she sums up this whole saga perfectly, when she wrote the following comment on her Twitter feed:
Every1 sounds sad like its a depressing thing that I quit. Guess what? My life is actually beginning again instead of being stagnant letting my talent go to waste. I waited too long, that should be the depressing part!
Depressing indeed, but I am looking forward to seeing what Gail Kim does next, and unlike some folks, I really do wish her well in all of her future endeavors.
Aside from Gail quitting, there were some other cuts to the WWE roster announced late last week. When all was said and done, Gail Kim, Melina, Chris Masters and Vladimir Koslov were gone, and two of those cuts — Melina and Masters — were especially damaging to Zack Ryder’s cast of characters that he has recently featured on Z! True Long Island Story.
In fact, Masters just laid down a challenge from Ryder’s Internet Championship on last week’s episode of Zack’s hit YouTube show:
So much for that dream match, right?
And all I have to say is, watch out Scott Stanford, as there just might be a new hex in play, The Curse of Zack Ryder.
And yes, I am (not) serious bro!
Around the Pulse
TNA Hardcore Justice happened yesterday and Jake Ziegler took the time to recap the PPV live last night. You can also check out how we did as prognosticators by checking out the Hardcore Justice Rasslin’ Roundtable.
The folks who do our 10 Thoughts recaps have been really delivering the goods lately. Check out Joe Violet’s 10 Thoughts on Smackdown, M.C. Brown’s 10 Thoughts on Impact, and Patrick Spohr’s 10 Thoughts on Raw.
James Alsop offers up another lockdown edition of Keynotes and Keyholds, while Mike Gojira tackles the Mid-Card in The Stomping Ground.
Blair A. Douglas’ Interinactivity has become my favorite weekly read, and Mr. Steven Gepp outdid himself with two excellent installments of The View From Down Here looking at the wrestling LEXICON. A to L is here, and M to Z is right here.
And that’s all from me this week — CB