This weekend (August 13 and 14), DC Digital is running another massive sale. 99 cents for any of the following issues:
FLASH Firsts:
* Flash Comics #1 (first appearance of Jay Garrick, The Golden Age Flash)
* Showcase #4 (first appearance of Barry Allen, The Flash)
* The Flash #105 (first appearance of Mirror Master)
* The Flash #106 (first appearance of Gorilla Grood)
* The Flash #110 (first appearance of Kid Flash)
* The Flash #113 (first appearance of The Trickster)
* The Flash #117 (first appearance of Captain Boomerang)
* The Flash #125 (first appearance of The Cosmic Treadmill)
* The Flash #140 (first appearance of Heat Wave)
* The Flash #155 (first appearance of The Rogues)
* The Flash #1 (1987 – first appearance of Wally West as The Flash)
* The Flash #92 (1987 – first appearance of Impulse)
The Fall of Barry Allen:
* The Flash: Trial of The Flash (series #340-350)
* Crisis on Infinite Earths #1-12
Wally West’s Run:
* The Return of Barry Allen (#74-70)
* Terminal Velocity (#0, 95-100)
* Emergency Stop (#130-135)
* Wonderland (#164-169)
* Blood Will Run (#170-176)
* Rogues (#177-182)
* Run Riot and Blitz (#192-200)
The Return of Barry Allen:
* Flash: Rebirth #1-6
* Blackest Night: Flash #1-3
* Dastardly Death of the Rogues (#1-7)
* Reverse Flash Spotlight (#8)
* Prelude to Flashpoint (#9-12)
Flashpoint – Everything will Change:
* Flashpoint #1
I really love these sales, I always end up picking up a bunch of comics. This time, I will likely pick up Flash: Rebirth and Prelude to Flashpoint. And I definitely would recommend picking up the Trial of the Flash storyline. GREAT COMICS!!
So far, DC has done Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Vertigo sales. MORE!!!