DC Comics Universe & Green Lanterns #53 & #54 Spoilers: Cyborg Superman Return Means Green Lantern Corps Demise Even Before Green Lanterns #55? Is DC Setting Stage For Grant Morrison’s Green Lantern Reboot?

Spoilers, Top Story

DC Comics Universe and Green Lanterns #53 and #54 Spoilers follows.

It all leads to this!

Big questions leading up Green Lanterns #55:

    • How Did Cyborg Superman Return?
    • Why Does This Mean The End Of The Green Lantern Corps Quite Literally?
    • Is The Deck Being Cleared For Grant Morrison’s Hal Jordan Centric Green Lantern Reboot?

Here we go.

Green Lanterns #53 Spoilers.

Simon Baz and his ring travel to Superman’s pre-Man of Steel mini-series Fortress of Solitude.

They think Superman is trapped in the Fortress, but…

…they’re actually being duped by Hank Henshaw the Cyborg Superman!

Green Lanterns #54 Spoilers.

Some of the Green Lanterns think Simon Baz is a traitor, but not his partner Jessica Cruz and other. However…

…he has bigger concerns as he’s in the crosshairs of teh Cyborg Superman – Hank Henshaw – who Simon Baz freed thinking he was actually Superman.

Simon and his ring were duped by Cyborg Superman and the Phantom Ring!

And, Cyborg Superman is even more powerful as the new Phantom Lantern!

Cyborg Superman then explains who he duped the Guardians and the Green Lanterns…

…not only in allowing him to get possession of the Phantom Ring, but…

…not realizing that Cyborg Superman controls all the Green Lantern rings! His power only got stronger with each recharge and the voice each Green Lantern heard from their rings was Cyborg Superman’s!

Cyborg Superman wants to kill Simon Baz, but won’t because he freed him, made him stronger and Cyborg Superman wasnts Simon to suffer.

Simon Baz is bloodied after Cyborg Superman leaves him; he enters the Fortress of Solitude and…

…realizes he’s trusted his ring too much and he needs his original and reliable weapon-of-choice now…

…a gun!

Green Lanterns #55.

Green Lanterns #55 is out this week, hitting stands on September 19, 2018.

It is followed by two more issues before this series ends. The forst is Green Lanterns #56 out on October 3, 2018…

…and then the storline and series finale in Green Lanterns #57 that hits stands on October 17, 2018.

Will the Cyborg Superman have the last laugh?

Stay tuned.

John is a long-time pop culture fan, comics historian, and blogger. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief at Comics Nexus. Prior to being EIC he has produced several column series including DEMYTHIFY, NEAR MINT MEMORIES and the ONE FAN'S TRIALS at the Nexus plus a stint at Bleeding Cool producing the COMICS REALISM column. As BabosScribe, John is active on his twitter account, his facebook page, his instagram feed and welcomes any and all feedback. Bring it on!