DC Comics and Batman: The Detective #3 Spoilers and Review follows.
A Death…
…In The Family!
The book opens in modern day where Batman is rushing his mentor and frenemy Henri Ducard to a hospital to deal with his injuries at the hands of the white Batmen.
We then get a flashback of how they met when Bruce was a teenager.
Bruce wanted to be trained by the “World’s Greatest Manhunter” a term that Paul Kirk, Dan Richards, Mark Shaw and others may also a claim to.
So, for an obscene amount of money, Ducard trains Bruce in the art of hunting prey.
It does require allies who may not necessarily be friends.
On his first official hunt, Bruce was too close and was found out and help captive; Ducard freed him and kills the prey.
That leads to a major dust up between mentee and mentor and…
…they part ways only to meet again in the future.
Turns out Ducard isn’t a killer in this case.
The book ends in modern day with Bruce Wayne arrested for Henri Ducard’s murder.
The Pulse:
Interesting that the end of this issue mirrors the current arc of Detective Comics, but this issue was still a compelling and entertaining one. Great art and intriguing story. Variant cover reflects nothing that happens in this issue. 7.5 out of 10.