DC Comics and Suicide Squad #5 Spoilers and Review follows.
Is New Recruit Bloodsport Enough…
…Against The Crime Syndicate?!
We open with an origin of Bloodsport as…
…as we pivot to modern day, a new look, and a mission on Earth 3.
Looks like he’s hunting someone on a world where…
…it’s Justice League counterparts are evil.
Turns out its not the big guns of the Crime Syndicate he’s after for Amanda Waller, but Black Siren Earth 3’s answer to Black Canary.
Back on Earth Prime the Suicide Squad is locked in their cells as Rick Flag is on the loose.
Back on Earth 3, during his battled with Black Siren…
…Ultraman becomes a gamechanger.
Back on Earth 1, we intersect with Swamp Thing, as Amanda Waller gets word that Bloodsport needs a “big gun”.
As Waller authorizes said big gun, she also reminds Peacemaker whose boss as he’s sent on the Swamp Thing mission.
Well, the teleported big gun with kryptonite mist didn’t work on Earth 3’s Ultraman; he seemingly defeats Bloodsport and is hungry for more of Earth Primer’s kryptonite!
The Suicide Squad film, featuring the new look Bloodsport and Peacemaker, hits North American theaters on August 6, 2021.
Below are the classic Who’s Who bios for Bloodsport and Peacemaker if you’re intrigued.
The Pulse:
An exhilarating issue with decent art. I was engaged from front to back. A nice (re)intro to Bloodsport to older and newer readers. Bravo. 8.5 out of 10.