For a full list of these releases, head to ComicList: The New Comic Book.
John Babos
6 books this week.
Avengers #51
Avengers Forever #1
Justice League Incarnate #2
Nightwing #87
Radiant Black #11
S.W.O.R.D. #11
James Fulton
This week I’m looking forward to new issues of Black Hammer Reborn, Black Panther, Iron Man, Moon Knight, Nightwing, Odinn’s Eye, A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance, Star Wars: Darth Vader, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, SWORD, That Texas Blood, Wolverine, and X-Men: Trial of Magneto.
Sadly, SWORD is ending.
I just learned that… I hope Ewing is going to be on one of these new titles I’m hearing about.
Apparently X-Men Red is the SWORD sequel set on Mars aka Arakko.
So looks like I’ll be reading that and Immortal X-Men.
… I’ll figure it out when I get the next Previews…
So, what did you find intriguing from the week that was?