DC Comics and Detective Comics #1059 Spoilers and Review follows.
Why Do The Riddler and Gotham Girl Return?! What’s Next For Batman?
The book has two variant covers below to supplement the main cover above.
The promise of the issue can be gleaned from its solicitation.
Art and cover by IVAN REIS and DANNY MIKI
Backup written by SINA GRACE
Backup art by DAVID LAPHAM
Variant cover by LEE BERMEJO
1:25 variant cover by RODOLFO MIGLIARI
$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 4/26/22Riddle me this…when is a criminal not a criminal? The answer awaits you in the start of a brand-new Detective Comics story arc from writer Mariko Tamaki, guest co-writer Nadia Shammas, and legendary artist Ivan Reis! The Riddler is back in Gotham City in a big way, becoming a media personality and using his newfound influence to wreak havoc on the Dark Knight. As Batman chases down clues to put an end to Riddler’s machinations, the clock ticks away for the citizens of Gotham whom Edward Nygma has placed in the line of fire…
Then, in “Gotham Girl: Interrupted” part one, the super-powered Claire Clover returns to the city that helped ruin her life…to get psychiatric treatment at the new Arkham Tower. But when Gotham Girl’s newfound semblance of normalcy is rocked by a murder mystery, she finds someone unexpected at the heart of the crime…herself.
The Riddler has a new morning show on the airwaves or internet…
…while Judge Caroline Donovan, daughter of reporter Deb Donavan, is saved from a bomb attack by Batman, but she still requires hospitalization.
After Bruce Wayne visits the injured judge…
…Batman tracks down the bomber…
…who surrenders rather quickly.
A second murder…
…is complicated by poisonous gas.
A third murder appears to be a suicide.
All three murders have something to do with the Riddler as its revealed Judge Donavan may know more than she’s letting on.
The back-up story features a day in the life of Gotham Girl, a Superman level heroine, who by day is a teenaged high school student.
Here back-up ends in murder too!
The Pulse:
An intriguing main story with gorgeous art. A compelling back-up story with so-so art. 7 out of 10.