DC Comics and Green Arrow #3 Spoilers and Review follows.
Legion Of Super-Heroes, Kamandi, Peacemaker and Peacewrecker, Parallax… Oh My!
What To Expect.
Art and cover by SEAN IZAAKSE
Variant cover by DERRICK CHEW
1:25 variant cover by EJIKURE
DC Pride variant cover by LUCIANO VECCHIO
$3.99 US | 32 pages | 3 of 12 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 6/27/23Arsenal and Black Canary versus Peacemaker and the new Peacewrecker! While Arsenal and Black Canary’s quest for answers has sent them into danger, Green Arrow is lost in time and space—but at least he’s not alone now. Two members of the Green Arrow family join Oliver Queen in the last place you’d expect!
In addition the main cover and solicitation above the title has a few variant covers below.
Green Arrow #3 Spoilers and Review.
We finally learn where Amanda Waller has displaced the Green Arrow Family too.
She has scattered them across time, the future in fact, where Green Arrow’s son Connor Hawke is now a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes after only a few months in this future.
This is also Brian Michael Bendis’ recent iteration of the LOSH right down to their logo.
In the present, Arsenal and Black Canary tangle with Peacemaker and Peacewrecker as they’ve broken into Belle Reve Penitentiary looking for Amanda Waller to learn what she’s down to Green Arrow and the rest of their family.
Peacemaker challenges Arsenal to an accuracy duel, arrow vs. bullet, and naturally Green Arrow’s mentee wins.
That allow him to interrogate Count Vertigo, in a Dawn of DC look I am not fond of, but they learn of Amanda Waller’s “collection” of beings towards an unknown goal.
In the future, Brainiac 5 of the LOSH learns that these members of the Green Arrow Family have been implanted with something in their necks that emit time displacement energy and if they’re tinkered with they’ll be pulled into another time.
They also found a Dark Energy teleporter that its all connected to and one that Green Arrow recognizes.
Looks like a future Green Arrow sent a message to his past self warning that its Green Arrow Family that causes the Great Disaster of Kamandi infamy and to avert that future the family should stay apart.
Well, his family is having none of it and at that moment they and LOSH are attacked by Green Lantern energy?!
No Gold Lantern in their midst as he’d have been an equalizer, but this energy is coming from someone that shouldn’t be in the future.
It’s Parallax, the corrupted Hal Jordan, who may be a past version of himself from the Zero Hour event?!
That’s an ending that was spoiled as part of the DC Comics post Knight Terrors solicitations for September 2023 so I didn’t feel including Parallax in the title wouldn’t be that much of a genuine spoiler.
Plus the Legion of Super-Heroes angle was spoiled by DC Comics in its preview pages prior to Green Arrow #3 hitting stands, so, I felt comfortable noting that in the title too.
The Pulse.
Another high octane issue with a good balance of action, emotion and intrigue. Solid art. 9 out of 10.