The Roundtable


Greg Rucka speaks about his plans for SUPERGIRL [Link]

KEVIN “YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE” MAHONEY: The Supergirl news doesn’t thrill me. I could not care less what DC does with its answer to (and correct me if I’m wrong about this) Jean Grey. Until there’s an explicit manga porno Supergirl, it’s been done. Of course this opinion has something to do with my feelings concerning the Super-verse part of the DCU (lame!), but really other than Jean Grey, Power Girl, and the Legion as a group, who has been more retconned and reconfigured than the S-girl?

IAIN “JUICE BOX” BURNSIDE: I’ve never cared about Supergirl whatsoever, and I certainly don’t want this Hilton version of the character starting a long, painful massacre of the otherwise excellent Legion book. I hope that this was just a piece of misinformation from DC.

Dan DiDio reveals more new DCU titles for 2006 [Link]

KEVIN MAHONEY: The Didio news is much cooler in my mind. A CHECKMATE book? That certainly has potential, and I wonder what side (if any) the new group we would on morally speaking? A new writer confirmed for NIGHTWING. I think I’ll go bungee jumping or stock market speculating to celebrate. That’s way overdue. Kyle is ION again? Jury’s still out on that one. A new SECRET SIX? I liked the old one a lot, so I’d have to have a healthy skepticism for a new book, but I would certainly give it a try. The Robinson Batman/Tec crossover is certainly my speed though. That’ll be great fun. I’d love Tony Harris on art for that, but then I am a dreamer.

IAIN BURNSIDE: Screw the Batman/Detective crossover, what about the long-rumoured twelve-issue Grant Morrison storyline that was meant to be in DETECTIVE COMICS?

Joe Quesada on Wolverine’s new amnesia-free status and variant covers [Link]

KEVIN MAHONEY: I wonder who Joe Q is bringing back, and what’s this about a 3rd Captain Marvel? Don’t you mess around with my Thunderbolts, Joe! You ought to remember how fast the book tanked after its first editorially-mandated change in direction! I haven’t read Wolvie in a while, but I might give it a peep past the HoM, just to experience “New Logan”.

IAIN BURNSIDE: Angry hairy Canadian mutant prone to lashing out because he can’t remember his past suddenly transforms into an angry hairy Canadian mutant prone to lashing out because he’s remembered the true redhead love of his life? Wow!

Peace is declared between Archie and the Veronicas [Link]

KEVIN MAHONEY: Archie and the Veronicas were fighting? Man, that’s no fun… if we got Betty and the Veronicas fighting… in Jell-O ™ now that I’d pay to see!

Todd McFarlane speaks on himself and Spawn. And himself Link]

KEVIN MAHONEY: Todd McF is all about the business side. Of the remaining Image founders, he has branched out the most and travelled furthest from where he began. No word yet on if that’s a good or bad thing for comics art or business. In a related story, a pair of formerly famous balls have tested negative for performance enhancing drugs.

PAUL “HEART IN A CAGE” SEBERT: You know I doubt we’d ever see actually drawing his own creations on a regular basis… I could just see Todd hosting an Apprentice type reality show to find the next comics indy rockstar creator. Really that would be the best thing ever. Even better than that book I wanted to pitch to Epic about the kid with the magic cat from an alternate dimension that turns him into a ninja with sonar powers.

Keith Giffen on the new Blue Beetle [Link]

KEVIN MAHONEY: The new Blue Beetle is going to be some unknown? That is a good call. I just hope that four or five years down the line a vocal minority doesn’t force Kord’d ressurection at the expense of the new character. But then, that’s never happened before right? Right????

Ronin is revealed! [Spoiler]


Oh, yikes!

Oh… er…


KEVIN MAHONEY: As far as Ronin goes… don’t tell me, I can’t hear you. :p

IAIN BURNSIDE: Oh, you tease :)

KEVIN MAHONEY: Well there is a second clue in my comment for the intelligent spoiler sadists out there…

IAIN BURNSIDE: I know, that’s what makes it such an excellent bit of teasin’!

PAUL SEBERT: Wait it’s not Beta Ray Bill? Ah man…

Still very nice of Bendis to pick up an obscure, but very, very cool character for this.

Paul Jenkins signs a Marvel exclusive [Link]

PAUL SEBERT: I love a lot of Paul Jenkins stuff, but I don’t really find this surprising at all. I mean really I can’t off the top of my head remember the last time Jenkins did anything for DC.

TIM “ON THE OTHER SIDE” BYRNE: Paul Jenkins did an (average, in my opinion) mini for DC called BATMAN:

But his masterpiece is, and always will be his PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN story “Maybe Next Year”. I’m a 30-year-old guy, and I was tearing up like a 14-year-old watching Titanic…

TIM “VISION OF DIVISION” STEVENS: Here, here. “Maybe Next Year” is excellent. Plus it features the ‘Mazing Mets and they are my team!!!!

But crying? Dude…man up.

Now crying while reading the issue of GREEN LANTERN where they had Hal’s funeral, that’s cool.

TIM BYRNE: I suppose that’s a good question for the room at large, though….

What comic story has made those tears well up?

JESSE “ASK ME ANYTHING” BAKER: Wasn’t that also the imfamous issue that the writers had Kyle Rayner break the fourth wall to curse out the readers who liked Hal, essentially saying “Hal’s dead and I’m not, so suck it bitches and get used to it because I’m not going anywhere!”?

TIM STEVENS: I don’t recall that moment in the book, Jesse, but I could be wrong.

PAUL SEBERT: No, you’re thinking of the moment in JLA/JSA VIRTUE & VICE in which Kyle is possessed by Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins fame, snaps, and destroys a statue of Hal.

KEVIN MAHONEY: The death of Harry Osborn in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN. Harry, after beating Peter nearly to a pulp and almost blowing up his whole remaining family, comes to his senses out of his Goblin-formula haze and saves everyone… then he dies.

That or maybe the death/funeral of Illyana Rasputin, or the X-FACTOR issue (#87?) where they all go to the shrink and we learn what Guido “Strong Guy” Carosella is really about.

MATT “ELECTRICITYSCAPE” MORRISON: Not quite a comic, but I do get a bit teary watching the episode of Superman: TAS where Dan Turpin is killed by Darkseid and the funeral scene where Superman says “In the end, the world didn’t need a super man. Only a brave one.”

DC characters get their own US postal stamps [Link]

PAUL SEBERT: Now of course you realize that the US post office doesn’t print stamps of living people. So obviously these are all the characters that are going to die in Infinite Crisis.

Personally I just hope these end up in the hands of the true stamp fans, and not those greedy stamp speculators.

Ed Brubaker chimes in with some X-MEN: DEADLY GENESIS teases [Link]

PAUL SEBERT: On an unrelated note… over at there’s a poll asking readers to chose which of the six characters introduced in AMAZING FANTASY #15 should star in an upcoming mini-series.

All I have to say is vote for Mastermind Excello dammit!

COREN: I’m voting for Monstro or Positron..just to get another book from Kirkman or McKeever.

PAUL SEBERT: I’m probably the bigest McKeever fan out there… but he felt the like the writer most constrained by the 8-page limit. Positron felt more like the middle of a story rather than an introduction.

Monstro on the other hand was a very good introduction. I really like the concept and the Kirkman did a really good job of keeping me intrigued about the character’s past.

Blackjack was a pretty funny little send-up of the spy genre… though I think it would work better in the form of the 2-page gag strips that Slott used rather than as a full page book.

Heartbreak Kid was a nice little untold-tale silver-age homage… but I’m not sure how the character would function in a superhero universe due to the somewhat passive nature of his powers.

The Great Video (damn that’s a bad name) was probably the weakest of the characters introduced. It seemed like a pretty sincere try on Daniel Way’s part to do a modern update on E.C. Style horror writing, but well I honestly don’t see much of a future for this character beyond this story. (I don’t think E.C. horror stories had reoccuring characters.) Also: Just how do 3rd degree burns give you death-ray eyes?

Anyway I think Mastermind Excello was the real break-out star of this group. Pak did a very good job of explaining the kid’s powers, his motive, and his adversaries along with fitting in two action sequences, and even a guest-star durring the course of the story. So yeah, now I finally see why Joe Q.’s so big on Greg Pak. Oh an it’s got Takeshi Miyazawa art.

Takeshi Miyazawa = Win.

COREN: But the DEADLY GENESIS stuff looks really interesting. It wouldn’t be Thunderbird, because he was on the first mission Wolverine was, and this new/old villain/friend didn’t have a clue who Logan was. So I guess we’re talking someone from between the first Uncanny and Giant Size?

IAIN BURNSIDE: He was joking when he started going on about the third Summers brother storyline, right? We certainly don’t need the Summers family tree to get even more convoluted…

JESSE BAKER: I’m guessing it’s Morph, who we learn never died pretending to be Xavier and that the big “secret” of X-MEN: DEADLY GENESIS is that the whole “Death of Xavier” storyline from UXM #41-42 was a bunch of memory implants stuck in the minds of the original X-Men by Xavier to cover up him locking himself up in the basement to prepare to fight alien invaders?

IAIN BURNSIDE: And they say comics are inaccessible to new readers…


The third Summers brother (let’s call him Theodore ”Ted” Summers) was a member of the team before GIANT-SIZED X-MEN #1. He went on that fateful mission with the rest of the team, and when it went really bad the new X-Men team of Storm and co. had to go in and save their butts!


They didn’t save everyone. Ted Summers remained trapped inside Krakoa, and got hurled to space inside it in the end of GIANT-SIZED X-MEN #1. Xavier was so ashamed of this that he actually chose to delete the memory of Ted from the minds of his students. Hence, he is an utter bastard.

That’s why Ted wakes up in an asteroid (the remains of Krakoa), where he has been trapped since the last century, and is surprised that it’s “just him!?”. He only recognises Scott, not Wolverine and remembers Jean as Marvel Girl.

His return to consciousness has triggered a response in the minds of the xmen that were brainwashed back then, and they are now having backlash from the mind surgery that Xavier had performed.