[SPOILERS] Big Brother 8 – Daily Live Feed Recap – Day 73 (9/15/07)

News, Shows, Spoilers

5:00 am
It’s an early day and they are both up having breakfast. Dani thinks the air smells like puppies. They bash on the other house guests cleaning efforts, or lack thereof. They are getting along very well as they continue more general houseguest bashing:

Jen for arranging bowls by color.

Eric for his weird eyes.

Amber for giving advice.

Zach for saying he’s the muscle.

6:00 am
Breakfast is over, the Kitchen is clean, and father and daughter have moved to neutral corners of the house; Dick to the back yard, Dani to the Bathroom. They return to the Kitchen for a game of Chinese Checkers. Dani has a piece trapped and it looks hopeless. In a stunning move, she picks up the trapped piece and moves it all the way to the other side of the board and declares victory! They both laugh.

8:00 am
Dick is back up and starts the hot tub. He can hear someone outside with a megaphone announcing “The second annual LA run/walk”. He spends some time making fun of the speeches by the megaphone voices then heads back to bed.

9:00 am
Dick is back up heading to the back yard and notices the time. Looks at the camera and says, “Every hour on the hour!” He can hear music coming from the Run/Walk and voices displeasure at their selection. After a brief FOTH, we can see Dick talking to himself on the couch but we can longer hear him. Not surprisingly, Dick goes back to bed again.

Daniele is up brushing her teeth, leaning over the sink. The camera zooms in to show that she has ample cleavage to get the job done. With nothing better to do, she takes well over an hour to shower, dry and curl her hair, and makeup. Next its snack time for Dani at the counter. She goes outside on the lounger for about a half hour of silence before heading back in to whip up some baked goods.

3:00 pm
Dick is up and having a smoke before showering. Dani is still preparing to bake. Even she’s not sure what she’s making. She determines she is not feeling well and goes to bed with the lights on. Dick shaves and goes out to smoke, uttering an occasional remark and snicker. He shouts, “What time is it?! Let’s get this show on the road!”

5:00 pm
Dick checked on Dani then went outside. Dani gets up after a few minutes and hiccups three times in succession on the way to the Bathroom. They both make their way to the kitchen. Dani said the DR just told her they’re waiting until its dark to film the jury having a group discussion before the Q&A session. Dick says he remembers in the past that they question the final two and vote right away. Dani thinks it’s silly to make a big deal about it because it’s the two of them, not like any other year. They speculate on who will ask them what questions.

They think it’s odd that the Jury will be able to see them, but they won’t be able to see the Jury. Dani wonders how long the questioning will take, Dick says 90 minutes. He goes outside to smoke and Dani wraps herself in a blanket staring into space. They both decide to go rest in their beds just before 6:00 pm.

7:30 pm
Daniele begins to stir again; she goes to the Kitchen and has a snack. Dick, still sleeping, rolls over onto his microphone and we get a few seconds of Darth Vader breathing.

8:00 pm
Dick goes to the back yard for a smoke. Daniele is fixing her hair and makeup. They meet in the Dining Room and play cards to kill some time. Dani said she’s heard the BB Music for over an hour. They wonder if the Jury meeting will have to wait until after ShoToo. The card game stops while Daniele makes some macaroni and cheese.

9:00 pm
The ShoToo Crawl reads: Father and Daughter duo, Dick and Daniele Donato are the final two houseguests of Big Brother 8, marking the first time that a pair of relatives have made it all the way to the end, Dick and Daniele spent the day preparing for a question and answer session led by a jury of evicted houseguests that will take place later this evening, The jury’s vote to determine the winner takes place live September 18.

Dick welcomes us to ShowTime and Dani adds if you are watching this “get a life or at least better taste in TV.” Dick asks her, “What was your favorite night in here? Was it with Janelle?” Dani jokes, “I can’t reveal that. You’ll have to watch the show. No, my favorite nights were with Nick.”

They do the dishes together with some Jen bashing for good measure. They start up another card game. Dani says, “This is torture! The waiting all day! I’ve been ready for 10 hours!” Dani goes to her bed and Dick heads outside where he is heard saying, “My biggest concern is my [screwed] up relationship with my daughter rather than the money. He excuses himself to the ShoToo watchers and tries to get some rest in the round room.

11:30 pm
Dick is called to the Diary Room. When he emerges, Dani is doing her makeup. He tells her they want them to be up and ready to go in 30 minutes. He says they are going to start off by making statements, and that she can go first if that’s okay. Dani does not respond and Dick repeats, “Is that Okay?” She says “mmmhmmm” as she continues with her makeup. Later, Dani asked that Dick not say anything about her age. She complains “This is awkward. I don’t even want to talk to them. We evicted them. This should be over.”

Allison Grodner’s voice is heard over the speaker saying, “Hey guys, you look cute in those purple chairs but I need…” and we get FOTH for the jury meeting.

1:30 am
When the feeds return, Dick is in the back yard smoking and says “I don’t think I did anything wrong. I wasn’t campaigning to try and beat her. Did I think I could win or make her happy with anything I did or said?” He is pacing around. Daniele is shown coming out of the Bathroom and goes to bed.

Dick still agitated says, “Great! Something else for her to be mad at me about. Unbelievable! How did I not know that she would be pissed at me. No winning man, no winning! It’s always a catch-22 with Daniele. This is going to be a long two days, man.”

Dick goes into Daniele’s room. She is under the covers with the lights out. Dick says “Hey, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to come off like that at all. I was just talking ” Dani nearly explodes with frustration, “Oh my God! It just sucks! It’s all about my personal life. They credit me with nothing but riding your coat tails. I’m not my own person in this house. It just sucks! It’s sooo annoying!”

Dani says, “You made me feel like crap. I don’t believe you had the hardest game.” Dick says “I had the most to lose.” Daniele whines that she just wants to “leave and go hooome! I’m so over this. I’m SO over this.” She complains that she could hear some of jury laughing when she talked about what she had accomplished in the game. Dick tells her, “I said at the end, our personal lives shouldn’t have anything to do with [it].” Dani says, “It does to THEM! It’s just annoying! Everyone credits everything to you that WE have done! It just sucks!” Dick reminds her she pointed out her 3 big moves. Dani says, “Yeah and then I hear everyone laughing in the background! Every answer I have, everyone’s laughing in the background cuz I’m such a joke sitting in the final two!

2:00 am
Daniele stormed out of the bedroom and shuts herself in the Bathroom, Dick stays leaning over her bed. He eventually leaves to lie down in his own bed. When Dani returns, Dick walks through and says he’s sorry, then heads outside.

Once outside Dick hears a huge car accident and says “WOW! Someone better call 911. Sounded like a semi or something.”

Dick talks to himself, “Can’t win. Can’t win with Daniele. She’ll always see it that way. Not as it is. Which is no matter what I said, I still had a better relationship with those people than she did and a lot of that stemmed from Nick. And I warned her and she didn’t listen.” Dick says, “Why shouldn’t I be happy right now? Cause I feel like it’s sealed, and it’s done, and I won. With my daughter, there is no winning.” After pausing he says “It was a perfect team.”

Dani can be seen lying awake in bed while Dick continues in the back yard, “Winning over your daughter. It’s not that great of a deal, if it does happen. It’s really not. I didn’t think Amber would go on the attack like that on Daniele. What a bitch!” He talks to Vincent, goes inside and checks on Dani, then plays some solitaire in silence.

3:00 am
Dick lies down on the floor for awhile. He looks very deep in thought and upset. Daniele can be seen still in bed, but fidgety. Dick goes outside and is very quiet.

4:00 am
Dick says he refuses to feel bad anymore about Daniele, “I told her that it didn’t matter who wins it. Am I gonna cry if she wins?! Absolutely, not!”

5:00 am
Dick has been playing solitaire. The lights in the house are dimmed. He makes something to eat and does the dishes. He mumbles occasionally but is quiet for the most part.

7:00 am
Dick does some laundry and curses out the washer. He goes into the house for another game of solitaire before getting ready for bed. Talking to himself, he says “Understand she is not upset with me per say. I have to understand she is upset with [the jury]. I have to understand and try to be empathetic”. In bed now, Dick can clearly be heard crying, tears on his face. He rolls over still sobbing before eventually falling asleep.

Credit: Joker’s Updates

Sir Linksalot: Big Brother 8

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!