Random Reality: Josh Clinton Interviews Beauty and the Geek's Jennifer Carter

Features, Interviews, Shows

Last week, Jen and William were the eighth team to get sent home from Beauty and the Geek. They became known as the one team that constantly fought with each other and just couldn’t get along. I got the chance to talk to Jen about her relationship with William on the show and now off of the show, among other things. Here is what she had to say…

Josh Clinton: Hi Jen.

Jennifer Carter: Hi. How are you?

JC: Doing good. How are you?

JEN: Good.

JC: Good. So tell me when you first got on the show, what were your first thoughts of William?

JEN: My first thoughts of William were he just looked like a typical geek. It’s about the same thing I thought of everybody, they kinda all looked like what I would have expected geeks to look like. I didn’t really talk to William too much the first night, but he seemed pretty cool.

JC: Right. Were there other reasons why you and William didn’t get along as team, besides William thinking that he knew everything?

JEN: Basically the main reason we didn’t work as a team up until the end was because he judged me from the start and thought I was like the kids that used to tease him in high school, because I was an athlete too. But when I was in high school I was practicing twice a day. I didn’t have time to do anything like that, and in order to be on the teams that I were on you couldn’t do anything bad. You had to be in good standing with everyone. So that totally wasn’t the type of person I was. So basically it was the preconceived notion that if you don’t think we are going to get along, we’re not going to get along. I think he could tell that I was hurt when I found out that he didn’t want to be my partner. So I don’t think that helped matters as well.

JC: Yeah, exactly. So why do you think you lasted so long on the show, then, if everyone knew that you and William had your problems as a team?

JEN: I think we lasted so long, because despite all of the problems we had we are both pretty competitive people. I think we just knew how to play the game well and I think that helped us stay as long as we did.

JC: Yeah. This year was the first year that they had a male beauty and a female geek. Do you think it was fair to have Sam and Nicole there?

JEN: I wouldn’t say it was better, it definitely made everything more challenging. At first there were just nine teams, and as soon as they added the tenth I was thinking “oh great, more competition!” It’s just going to add to everything. I definitely feel like it made everything more competitive.

JC: Right. Did you have a favorite challenge that you did while you were in the house?

JEN: I can tell you my least favorite one and that was the bug challenge. That one creeped me out! But I really enjoyed the challenge we had in Mexico. That one was a lot of fun. I would say that one was probably my favorite challenge.

JC: Yeah, that one looked like a lot of fun. So you have had time to watch the show now?

JEN: Yeah, I have watched every episode.

JC: Okay. Do you think you have been portrayed accurately on the show as far as how you are in real life?

JEN: Not really. I really feel like that they tried to play up the fact that I am this 5’10” athlete and William had a reason to be afraid of me when he really didn’t. Or intimidate him or remind him of people that used to tease him in high school. They really tried to play that up. They really didn’t so the softer side of me, which is who I am basically. I went on a date with Will and they didn’t show any of that. They tried to make me more of the athletic, jock girl of the house. I guessed compared to the other girls, who are really short, I would probably look that way. But I feel like if there were other girls my height, I wouldn’t have been portrayed as a bigger, tougher girl maybe.

JC: Right. What is the status of your relationship with William now?

JEN: We’re cool. We had some interviews the other day actually and everybody always asks us if we plan on staying in contact with each other. I definitely would like to stay in contact with him, because you go through an experience like this and share it with someone, I would like to check in on him and see how he is doing every now and then. I told him, if he was ever in Boston he should give me a call and we could have a drink or whatever.

JC: Yeah. Did you make any other friends on the show that you think you may keep in contact with?

JEN: Yeah, I will definitely keep in contact with everybody actually. I wouldn’t say that there was any one person that I disliked or who I wouldn’t want to stay in contact with. I think everyone was pretty cool.

JC: That’s cool.

JEN: I just feel like I have gained a lot more confidence from being on the show. Like before I only had confidence in my physical abilities and now I have confidence in what I can do with my brain as well now. You can apply that to everything.

JC: Right. Who do you think will win between Sam and Nicole and Dave and Jasmine?

JEN: I think Sam and Nicole might win, because they are a stronger team. But I’m kinda hoping that Dave and Jasmine will win.

JC: Yeah, that sounds about right. What are your plans now?

JEN: Right now I’m just trying to pursue my modeling career and maybe get into some acting. So that’s kinda my goal. I guess if that fails, I have a Journalism degree to fall back on.

JC: That’s cool. So one last question for you then. What weighs more, fat or muscle?

JEN: Well that depends. (Laughs). Basically muscle does weigh more than fat, but he tried to say that if you have a pound of muscle and a pound of fat they would weigh the same. I was like “yeah, they do.” However, muscle is just more dense. So we pretty much came to that conclusion. But definitely muscle weighs more than fat.

JC: Alright, cool. Thanks for your time and good luck with everything.

JEN: You’re welcome. Thanks, and have a good day.

Beauty and the Geek airs on the CityTV network in Canada on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

Beauty and the Geek airs on THE CW in the U.S. on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

Sir Linksalot: Beauty and the Geek

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!