MTV Mix – Volume 63

Features, Shows

So we are down to two nights this week, but that won’t last for very long. This week we get the finale of the mini-season of Newport Harbor. We also have the second-to-last episode of The Real World: Sydney, and the return of Run’s House with TWO episodes. That should be enough to hold you over until next week when we get the return of two surprise hits shows. For now, lets start mixing…



The Real World: Sydney

It’s almost time to say goodbye to another season of The Real World. This episode is mainly about Isaac joking around that he has two kids. Or is it really a joke? Meanwhile, Issac and Noirin’s relationship gets questioned, and Alex returns to try to get back into Parisa’s pants.

Now it’s time to play truth or dare in the hot tub with everyone partially naked. Alex and Parisa make out. Ashli, Dunbar, and Noirin do the same. But it’s really more about Parisa and Alex. Parisa said it was fun to have a crush here in Australia, but she is not looking to find a serious boyfriend.

Isaac comes clean to Noirin. He doesn’t have any kids and Noirin is relieved. They can now travel in America after this season is over. They pop some bubbly and that’s it. Next week is the one-hour season finale!!

Newport Harbor: The Real Orange County

This is the finale of this mini-season of Newport Harbor. Chrissy can’t make up her mind up. She realizes that she really misses Clay and wants him back. She wonders if it’s too late, though?

Chrissy informs Billy that she can’t come visit him in San Jose, because she has to “take care of some stuff.” So basically Chrissy tells him it’s over without saying it. It is time for the inevitable talk between Clay and Chrissy to occur at the party.

What part? Glad you asked. Allie’s parents build a new house. Apparently so Allie and Samantha can throw a party in it. They are doing a “1920s Theme” for the party. This party becomes really contrived in a hurry. Finally, Chrissy talks to Clay. Some weird “voice-over” stuff to really blur the lines of “scripted” and “unscripted”. The big talk has little talking, but Clay is not sure about giving Chrissy another chance. She is bummed!

It’s Christmas time! Being as such, Grant says that Clay should give Chrissy another shot. It’s the “Christmas spirit!” That was a little unexpected. By the way, Allie finally gets a job! Woot!

One more talk between come couples. Chase and Kylie chat about him moving up to Santa Barbara. She informs him that she doesn’t want to be serious with him. Kylie basically tells him that she doesn’t want to be his girlfriend. Chase looks upset.

And then finally finally, Clay and Chrissy chat once more on his boat filled with Christmas decorations. They really need to work on the editing for this show. It’s like they forget to follow the script and then they decide to record over the scene with various comments from the kids. It’s really weird. To sum this up, though, Chrissy is transferring to USC next semester to be closer to Newport Harbor. They make out and have a good time! She decide to stay with Clay! Tears fall like rain! And we are done for now! Thank you! Hopefully they can work on the editing before they decide to bring this show back.


Run’s House

It’s new school vs. old school in the first episode of a double-header this week. Diggy and Russy represent the “new school” as they like to play the Wii. Run says “old school” is better and teaches them all about arcade action. He orders his own arcade video game for the house. It’s a game called “Centipede”! Run and Justine battle over playing video games before Diggy and Russy finish their homework. Justine bans Run from playing games before they finish, since that causes them to want to play. Run decides to help them finish their homework first, so they can all play.

Meanwhile, JoJo is going to school. It’s an “Audio College”. It’s basically a 9 month program where we learns music? Yeah, sounds fake to me as well. Uncle Russell wants JoJo to learn something more valuable that music. He makes JoJo an intern at Phat Farm. Basically, he’s a gopher Kevin Leong, the VP of Design for Phat Farm. JoJo doesn’t want to pick up Kevin’s dog’s crap. Russell tells Kevin to ride JoJo hard, so JoJo loses the “silver spoon”. JoJo complains to Russell about Kevin, but Russell gives him no sympathy.

Justine wants to go on a diet, but it’s hard to stick to it when Run is breathing down her neck about everything she eats. Justine decides to create her own diet plan with Angela’s suggestions. She gets her own trainer and takes some hip-hop dance classes. Justine still can’t resist eating Twinkies, though.

Rev Run sits in his tub and writes. Good morning. Is the corporate world a cruel one? It can be. Much like a family, a business has a pecking order. Just because you start at the bottom doesn’t mean you can’t get to the top. Pay your dues and you’ll get paid. God is love, Rev Run.

The kids go crazy during the second episode. JoJo and Angela horse around the pool. They then do the “Apache” dance for no apparent reason. As in “Tonto, jump on it, jump on it”! Check out the sixth season of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air if you don’t know what I’m talking about. But it’s a Sugarhill Gang song that has a dance to it made famous by Will and Carlton on that show.

Everyone has different plans for the weekend. Russy and Diggy go visit Uncle Danny, Run’s brother. They get scared of Danny’s weird art and sculptures. Danny does treat them and gives them White Castle for breakfast and giving them a special artifact from his collection that they can take home and keep. Meanwhile, JoJo, Team Blackout, and Angela annoy Vanessa as she is trying to study her script.

Run and Justine go to Tampa, Florida. The Home Shopping Network wants Justine to be a host for a segment to sell the line of Simmons Jewelry, “Brown Sugar”. In the end, he does a great job. She has “skills to pay the bills” according to Run.

Rev Run sits in his tub and writes. Good morning. What enriches you? It’s the relationships you have and the experiences you keep that fulfill your inner self. Spending time with extended family extends your knowledge and knowledge is power. Reconsider what makes a person rich and enjoy your good fortune. God is love, Rev Run.

And that ends the 63rd volume of the “MTV Mix”! If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback of any kind..send them my way!!

I’ll see you next time when we mix things up a bit!

Sir Linksalot: Reality Television

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!