1. Chris Jericho & Kane co-captaining team SmackDown isn’t actually a bad idea. They need someone who can match the Big Show in terms of size and plus it continues the push that Kane seems to be getting, certainly not something that I’m willing to complain about.
2. It’s good to see that despite Ziggler’s feud with John Morrison apparently coming to an end he’s still being used in an upper midcard capacity and still getting a decent push. Hopefully they’ll start pitting him against some different members of the midcard though, there’s only so many times I can watch a Ziggler/ Finlay/ Mike Knox triple threat match.
3. We yet again get the joy of watching Cryme Time vs. The Hart Dynasty. And if you didn’t guess, that was sarcasm because I’m so sick of this match its unbelievable. I also don’t understand the booking behind having Cryme Time go over, since the Hart Dynasty are clearly the better, and more deserving, side.
4. You can already tell that the Undertaker is going to overcome the odds and once again defeat CM Punk, so why even bother wondering?
5. Seriously? Eric Escobar going over Matt Hardy? Not only does that bury Matt Hardy more than ever before but it also means that Escobar, who has only had one WWE match so far, is going to be competing for team SmackDown at Bragging Rights. Now that’s just strange booking.
6. It was nice to see John Morrison and the Miz back together again, even if only for one segment. I still hate how they continue to use Marty Jannetty as a punch line though.
7. The push of Drew McIntyre continues! Hopefully they wise up and put him in a bigger feud now that his feud with R-Truth seems to have come to an end.
8. Is a turn on the cards for Batista? Let’s hope so, the guy’s really dull as a face right now.
9. Rey Mysterio going over Batista in the main event? God, that wellness violation has done wonders for Mysterio’s career, first the tag title match, then a main event win over Batista and this Sunday a world title match. If this is a punishment then sign me up.
10. I was wondering if CM Punk was going to get involved in the main event and in true sneaky heel tactics he did exactly that. Sadly we don’t get any real CM Punk promo goodness this week.