Spoiler Warnings: Who Wins The Fight Between Hulk and Rulk In Hulk #24 By Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness?

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Battling like only two Hulk’s can, Banner is in complete control of his other half, making this more akin to the World War Hulk. It’s pretty back and forth, incredibly destructive, but it eventually goes to Banner. How? Because Red hits him so hard, with so much heat and radiation, that he sends up a giant mushroom cloud. And Banner? Banner just walks out of it like it was nothing. Then he thunderclaps him across DC before asking for his unconditional surrender.

How does he get it?

Check back in half an hour for more!

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.