No Ordinary Family – Episode 1-12 Review

Reviews, Shows

“No Ordinary Brother” is beyond frustrating. The writers go out of their way to maintain a bright, sunny image with a completely predictable plot. First, Jim’s brother is terrible, but he’s redeemed by the end of the episode. Who didn’t see that coming? The writers have to realize that everyone who’s watched a couple episodes of the show knows what’s coming. The resolution is always easy, and never overly dark. Could Jim’s brother have been shot? Yes, and considering his behavior, I wouldn’t mind it. But the writers would never do that, because it’s out of their parameters of a “safe” show. Sorry, but superheros aren’t supposed to be safe.

Another example is the resolution of the cliffhangers. Last week, it was the hand holding which instantly brough Daphne back to normal. This week, it’s the deus ex superpower which allows Joshua to change the text in Stephanie’s journal. Every continuing character, from the family last week to Joshua, magically isn’t a threat anymore and we’re back at square one. It’s always hard to stop watching a show, but this is the end for me.

Score: 7.5/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter