Spoiler Warnings: Checkmate’s Fate Revealed In Justice League: Generation Lost #17


Facing a UN committee in response to all the crap that has come through Checkmate over the course of this series, not the least of which the unexplained fact that Checkmate gave the order for Magog to attack Captain Atom in a crowded city. Due to the machinations of Max Lord however, there is no way to explain most of these actions, and due to that the Black King, Taleb Beni Khalid, can’t do a very good job defending Checkmate, and the organization is stripped of it’s UN Charter.

Arguing with an advisor, Khalid takes offense when being told to relax, as that is what the man always tells him, and nothing ever goes well. They teleport to a hidden base with a Checkmate logo, and Khalid begins to put together the pieces. That this man, Janus, has been behind everything. In fact, about the only thing that Khalid doesn’t put together?

That Janus is Max Lord.

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.