One of the biggest relaunches of a franchise in our time is less than a year away but The Amazing Spider-Man hasn’t done much to really warrant any sort of buzz, making it amongst the least anticipated films of 2012. Maybe more interviews with the cast and crew could eliminate this as our friends at Collider have an exclusive interview with the man that posits some great nuggets about the film.
What do we know about The Amazing Spider-Man from this interview?
— At first, Kloves turned down the job of doing script work for the film. But after speaking with producer Laura Ziskin, and reconsidering, he decided to acquiesce. He also said he really wanted to write for Emma Stone.
— The bulk of Kloves’ work on the script was character and dialogue.
— He says the tone is more realistic than the previous Spider-Man films. He wanted to make sure that the film was grounded in reality, because he said he can’t write cartoony dialogue. They told him reality was what they wanted, they wanted him to write Peter Parker as a real character.
— He said he wrote very naturalistically. There’s a lot of humor, but it’s naturalistic humor, not jokes.
— Since Sony is planning a trilogy, they asked him to write the sequel, but he declined, he said he dated the property, he doesn’t wanna marry it.
— He said there’s a reason that their Spider-Man has mechanical webshooters as opposed to organic ones. Kloves says he wrote some really cool things involving the mechanical webshooters.
— Marvel was very involved in the film, as they are will all movies based on their properties. They provided a sort of bible of things that were crucial to the character.
— He says Mark Webb was really schooling himself in 3D, and wanted to shoot the movie in a sort of pure form of 3D, in a sophisticated way.
Read the whole thing for an insight into film.
The Amazing Spider-Man is scheduled for release July 12, 2012