I think the running theme for the prestige releases coming out this fall and winter will be ensemble. Films like Drive, Contagion, The Ides of March, J. Edgar are supported by a very talented ensemble. The same is true of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. And with Let the Right One In director Tomas Alfredson at the helm, it makes it one of the tops on our must-see list this November. We gave you the first teaser some weeks ago, but this latest one is even better.
The film is led by Gary Oldman who plays George Smiley, an MI6 agent who is pulled out of retirement to find a mole who has reached the upper ranks of the spy organization in the midst of the Cold War. As for the supporting cast, it’s packed. Rising star Tom Hardy, recent Best Actor winner Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch (who is also in Steven Spielberg’s upcoming release War Horse), Ciaran Hinds, Mark Strong, Toby Jones, and John Hurt. This time the trailer focuses on Hardy’s Ricki Tarr, the man who more or less sets the plot into motion. He’s very low key in this role, as opposed to how he will look in The Dark Knight Rises next year.
Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy will play the Venice Film Festival at the end of August and have its U.K. bow on September 16th before reaching U.S. theaters on November 18th.