Jim Ross is back with a fairly light blog, but I’ve grabbed the good highlights for you to peruse. Check it out!
on Samoa Joe
Several people have asked me about Samoa Joe. I personally like Joe’s work and feel that his best days lie ahead. I do not know Joe. I’ve never conversed with him that I can recall. Bottom line is 1. he has a contract where he now works and 2. I am not involved in talent acquisition for WWE.
on Scott Hall
Could Scott Hall fit in the announce booth as a color commentator? It’s not an easy transition for many former wrestlers to make the move from the ring to the announce table so it wouldn’t be automatic. However, Scott is a bright guy who is glib and he knows the genre well. If he put in the work that it would take to be an asset who’s to say that Scott Hall wouldn’t be a good broadcaster? I do know that it takes great focus, commitment and study to be as good as one needs to be in today’s world. I don’t know if Scott has an interest in this matter but it was a question from a Twitter follower.
on Rey Mysterio
Get well wishes to Rey Mysterio who had knee surgery in San Diego this past Friday. Rey had ACL and MCL issues addressed and will be out of action for several months. This is the same knee that Rey has had multiple surgeries so his rehabilitation work will be even more magnified and important.