UFC Fight Night 28 (Glover Teixeira vs. Ryan Bader)- FOX Sports 1 Preliminary Card [LIVE Play-by-Play]

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Welcome fight fans to Inside Fights’ continuing live coverage of UFC Fight Night 28 from the Mineirihno Arena in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The fight card will be headlined by a five-round light heavyweight bout between Glover Teixeira and Ryan Bader. Stay tuned for live coverage of the night’s preliminary card airing on FOX Sports 1. Stick around for coverage of the main card on FOX Sports 1. Be sure to catch up on all the action you may have missed on the Facebook portion of the preliminary card. Enjoy the fights everyone.

Keith Wisniewski (28-14-1, 0-3 UFC) vs. Ivan Jorge (24-3, 0-1 UFC)

Referee: Mario Yamasaki

ROUND 1- Jorge took this fight on short notice to make his UFC debut. Touch of gloves to start and Jorge lands a right hand and immediately goes for the takedown but it is stuffed. Jorge lands a leg kick. Jorge rushes in but Wisniewski lands a knee. Jorge backs him up with a series of punches but gets a leg kick landed. They tie up and Wisniewski grabs a front headlock but Jorge gets out. Jorge goes for a takedown against the cage but can’t get it. Wisniewski lands a left hand and they tie up but break. Jorge with a leg kick. Jorge attacks the body with punches. Wisniewski comes in with some punches and they clinch. Wisniewski lands a knee on the break. Jorge goes for a takedown and pushes the fight against the cage. Jorge with a knee and they break. Jorge goes for a takedown to no avail. Jorge with a leg kick. Wisniewski lands a knee and Jorge comes back with a combo of leg kicks. Jorge with a kick but Wisniewski lands a right hand. They tie up and Wisniewski lands a knee as Jorge is going for a takedown against the cage. Jorge has Wisniewski against the cage looking for the takedown but isn’t getting it as Wisniewski defends well. Wisniewski lands a knee in the clinch and they break. Jorge with a leg kick. Wisniewski lands a nice combination. Jorge with a nice combo on the comeback. Wisniewski lands a series of knees followed by an elbow. They tie up and Jorge is looking for the takedown. Jorge pushes the fight against the cage and both land knees as the round concludes. 10-9 Jorge.

ROUND 2- Jorge immediately presses forward and lands a left hook followed by a leg kick. Jorge looks to score a takedown but Wisniewski is defending them well. Jorge has been unable to score the takedown but as I write that he gets one against the cage. Wisniewski gets back to the feet but Jorge has a body lock from the back. Wisniewski tries to get wrist control but Jorge is working hard for another takedown. Wisniewski tries to turn but Jorge is just holding on to him. Jorge goes back for a takedown but can’t get it. Jorge looks to be tiring and the crowd begins to boo. Wisniewski is defending this body lock very well. Wisniewski lands an elbow which makes Jorge punch him in the face. Mario Yamasaki warns them to work. Jorge in the body lock against the cage and lands a couple of knees. Yamasaki breaks them up. Wisniewski lands a right hand and then clinches and lands a big knee. Jorge with a leg kick but Wisniewski lands a body kick and scores a knee against the cage. Wisniewski with a series of right hands against the cage. Jorge looks for another takedown against the cage but can’t score on it. He finally does but Wisniewski quickly gets back to his feet. Jorge goes back for the takedown but Wisniewski isn’t letting him score it. Jorge is fighting up a weight class in this bout as he is normally a lightweight. Jorge still working for the takedown and Yamasaki splits them up again. Wisniewski with a left hand and a big knee and Jorge shows that he is very tired. Wisniewski takes advantage with a series of punches and he works Jorge against the fence as the round ends. 10-9 Wisniewski. 19-19.

ROUND 3- They touch gloves to start the final round. It could be anyone’s fight and Jorge lands an outside leg kick to start. Wisniewski with a right hand and Jorge tries to tie up to no avail. They clinch and Wisniewski has the Thai plumb but lets it go. Wisniewski pushes Jorge against the cage but does nothing and they break. Jorge with a leg kick. Jorge with another one. Nice left hand and leg kick from Jorge and he lands some knees in the clinch. Another big knee to the body from Jorge. The crowd comes alive but Wisniewski lands a knee and Jorge pushes him off. Jorge with another knee and Wisniewski is beginning to fade as well. They get against the fence and Jorge looks to land from the outside. Jorge with a knee and a punch against the cage. Both looking for the takedown but no one gets it. Jorge with a trio of knees to the body. Yamasaki breaks them up once again. Yamasaki calls time and Wisniewski complains about a groin strike. The fight resumes and Jorge comes out firing with more knees to the body. Jorge goes for the takedown but they are tied up against the cage. Jorge with more knees to the body. Jorge with more as it is really wearing Wisniewski down. Jorge with body punches but Wisniewski gets a knee in. Jorge with body punches and Yamasaki splits them up again. Jorge with more knees to the body as he pushes Wisniewski against the cage and then rocks Wisniewski with some left hands. More punches and knees to the body in the clinch from Jorge. Jorge then attacks the head and gets some hammerfists in. They are exhausted as the horn sounds to end the fight. 10-9 Jorge. 29-28 Jorge.

Official Result: Ivan Jorge def. Keith Wisniewski by unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

Joao Zeferino (13-5, 0-1 UFC) vs. Elias Silverio (8-0, 0-0 UFC)

Referee: Leon Roberts

ROUND 1- Silverio also took this fight on short notice. They trade leg kicks to start and Zeferino immediately goes for a takedown. Zeferino is really trying to get that takedown against the cage but nothing else is happening as Silverio defends it. Silverio with some short punches with his back against the cage. Zeferino tries a trip to a takedown but can’t get it. Silverio uses the fence to stay on the feet and lands some punches. Zeferino with a knee and referee Leon Roberts separates them. Silverio with a series of leg kicks but Zeferino counters with a right hand. Silverio lands a right hand and Zeferino ties up and pushes him against the cage. Zeferino goes for another takedown against the cage and Silverio is landing elbows to the side of the head and some body punches. Zeferino tries to switch takedown positions and Roberts breaks them up as it looked like Silverio landed a knee to the groin. Back in the center of the Octagon and they trade punches. Zeferino gets a brief takedown but Silverio gets right back to the feet and they tie up against the cage. Zeferino with a body lock takedown but ends up on his back and Silverio is in Zeferino’s closed guard. Zeferino looks for a transition but Silverio gets back to his feet and Roberts orders Zeferino up. Silverio lands a left hand and ducks out of striking range. Silverio with a leg kick. They trade leg kicks and Silverio is backing him up. Silverio with a left hand and Zeferino lands a nice right hand. Close round. 10-9 Zeferino.

ROUND 2- They rush to the center of the Octagon and Zeferino attacks with a right hand and Silverio lands a head kick. Zeferino pushes Silverio against the fence and is looking for a takedown against the cage. Silverio defends and they have body locks around each other. Silverio with a foot stomp as he reverses position against the cage. Zeferino forces a reverse and is looking for the takedown. Zeferino with a knee against the fence. Silverio with some elbows to the head and peppers the body with punches. He is making nice switches between body punches and elbows to the head. Roberts breaks them up and they get back to the center of the Octagon. Silverio with a front kick and Zeferino misses a right hand. Silverio hurts Zeferino with a right hand and goes for a takedown but ends on his back. Silverio with a big punch from the top and he now finds himself in the guard of Zeferino. Zeferino looks for wrist control as Silverio looks to get his arm escaped. Not much happening and Roberts orders a standup. Silverio lands a nice combination and pushes Zeferino against the fence. Zeferino gets a takedown against the cage and lands an elbow from the top. Zeferino gets to his feet and is looking to land. Silverio gets back to the feet and they are battling against the cage. Zeferino still looking for the takedown but Silverio is countering with elbows. Zeferino drops for it but Silverio makes him each punches as the round ends. 10-9 Silverio. 19-19.

ROUND 3- This fight is up for grabs as the final round begins. They hug to start the round and the crowd boos because they don’t wanna see that. Silverio lands a body kick and Zeferino goes for a takedown but Silverio makes him eat a knee. Zeferino down to the ground and Silverio is on top and landing elbows and punches from the top. Zeferino spins out and kicks Silverio in the face but Silverio is on the ground and that is an illegal upkick. Time is called by Leon Roberts. No point is deducted and they restart from the feet. Silverio with a body punch followed by a nice combination. Silverio then scores a takedown and looks to be fresher as we enter the last four minutes. Silverio with some elbows from the top. Silverio stands up and lands a kick to the knees of a downed Zeferino. Zeferino is content to stay on the ground and Silverio lands more from a standing position. Roberts orders Zeferino to his feet. Zeferino lands a big overhand right but Silverio pushes him against the cage in a clinch. Silverio goes for a takedown but Zeferino ends on top. They get to the feet but go back down again with Silverio on top. Zeferino tries to force a scramble but Silverio passes and takes the back of Zeferino. Silverio lands punches from the back and is warned about shots to the back of the head by Roberts. Zeferino rolls to his back and Silverio backs up and the fight gets back to the feet. Silverio rocks Zeferino with a nice combination as we have a minute left. They tie up again against the fence as both look for the takedown. Silverio with a foot stomp. Zeferino reverses positions and is looking for the takedown. Silverio with elbows and Zeferino falls for the takedown but the fight comes to an end. 10-9 Silverio. 29-28 Silverio.

Official Result: Elias Silverio def. Joao Zeferino by unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Lucas Martins (13-1, 1-1 UFC) vs. Junior Hernandez (13-4, 0-0 UFC)

Referee: Herb Dean

ROUND 1- Martins starts off with an inside leg kick and lands another leg kick. Martins with a front kick and Hernandez misses a leg kick. Martins with another series of kicks and Hernandez misses on a takedown. Martins starts to open up and rocks Hernandez against the cage. Hernandez lands a left hand that rocks Martins but Martins fires back and knocks Hernandez down with a series of kicks and right hands. Martins goes down and locks in a rear-naked choke that is in deep. Hernandez is surviving and fighting back but Martins locks it in deeper. Referee Herb Dean steps in and Hernandez is out. Hernandez didn’t tap but was out. Big submission win and we have out first stoppage on the night.

Official Result: Lucas Martins def. Junior Hernandez by submission (rear-naked choke) at 1:10 of Round 1

Felipe Arantes (15-4-1 2 NC, 2-1-1 UFC) vs. Kevin Souza (13-3, 0-0 UFC)

Referee: Neal Hall

ROUND 1- Souza is making his UFC debut. Arantes and Souza are actually both injury replacements in this bout. Arantes is the favorite in this fight according to Vegas oddsmakers. Neal Hall oversees this fight. Touch of gloves to start and Souza misses immediately on a body punch. Souza with a left hook. Both are feeling each other out. Souza with a combo that backs Arantes up. Souza with a left hand. Arantes with a leg kick. Arantes with a left hook but Souza lands a right hand. Souza with a pair of left hooks that throw Arantes off-balance. Souza with a left hand. Arantes just barely lands a spin kick. Souza lands a nice combo and has Arantes backed up against the cage. Souza with a right hand to the body followed by two more. Arantes misses a kick and they exchange in close range. Souza with a right hand followed by another as Arantes ducks a left hand. Souza with two more right hands to the body. Arantes goes for the takedown and gets it and is in the guard of Souza. Arantes with a round of left hands from the top. Arantes mixes punches to the body and head as Souza tries to cause separation. Arantes with body punches and a series of them from both sides. The referee warns them to work. Arantes gets to his feet and lands a big right hand as he falls back into the guard. Arantes with some big elbows from the top and is looking to lock in the kimura. He lets go and gets in mount but Souza holds on as the round ends. 10-9 Arantes.

ROUND 2- Souza with a left hand to the body and Arantes counters with a head kick to start the second round. Arantes with a big left kick that briefly stumbles Souza. Arantes misses a big head kick but gets a front push kick in. Arantes with an inside leg kick. Souza lands a big right hand and Arantes eats it. Souza comes back with a combo but Arantes lands a short left. Souza with a front kick. Arantes lands a jumping front kick. Souza misses a right hand as Arantes ducks under and goes for the takedown against the cage. Souza with elbows and punches from the top. Arantes goes for the single-leg takedown but Souza balances well and keeps it on the feet. Arantes switches for a double-leg but Souza is defending it very well. Arantes with a knee to the body. They break. Souza with a right hand to the body. Arantes misses a spinning wheel kick and Souza lands two right hands followed by a combination. Souza with a right hand and Arantes has his back against the cage with his hands down. Souza with a head kick followed by a combo. Souza misses a right hand to the body. Souza is controlling the standup and rocks Arantes with a left hand. Arantes moves out of striking range as he looks to avoid the right hands from Souza. Souza lands another body punch. Arantes with a body kick. Souza with a leg kick and both land punches. Souza misses a spin kick but ducks a right hand from Arantes. Souza with a nice body kick to end round two. 10-9 Souza. 19-19.

ROUND 3- This fight is up for grabs as we head to the final round. Touch of gloves to start. Arantes with a head kick. Arantes misses on a combo. Arantes with a head kick. Souza with a body punch. Pace is slowing down as they feel each other out. Arantes misses a jumping kick. Souza with a body punch. Souza with the jab. Arantes rushes in but can’t land anything. Souza lands another jab. Arantes misses a left hand. Souza attacks the head with jabs and the body with right hands. Souza lands a big right hand that stuns Arantes and backs him against the cage. Souza with a body kick followed by a combination to the body and head and Arantes is in survival mode. Arantes goes for a takedown to survive but Souza defends it. Souza grabs the fence to defend but Arantes still gets it down. Arantes is on top against the cage and lands some body punches. Souza tries to get up and does and Arantes has the body lock. Arantes has the back and is trying to take this fight down but Souza is defending well. Arantes with a knee and they are locked against the cage. Souza with body punches and referee Neal Hall breaks them up. Souza shows his good movement and lands a body punch. Souza with the jab. Arantes misses a spin kick. Arantes shoots for a takedown but can’t get it and Souza lands some punches but Arantes ends up getting the takedown with a lot of will-power. Arantes lands from the top and Souza is looking to use the cage to get to his feet. Body shots from Arantes. Ten seconds to go and Arantes tries to land more and lands a knee to the midsection and the fight comes to a close. Will be a close round on the scorecards and close fight overall. 10-9 Souza. 29-28 Souza.

Official Result: Kevin Souza def. Felipe Arantes by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Ryan Frederick has been a diehard mixed martial arts fan since he saw UFC 1 at the age of 7. Since then he has yet to miss a show. He also has loves for football, baseball and fine whiskey. He fell in love with covering MMA after having also covered baseball and football, both professional and college, while working towards a journalism degree at Texas Christian University. His work has been seen on FOXSports.com, InsideFights.com, WrestlingObserver.com, Bleacher Report and ToughTalkMMA.com.