Title Match Removed From This Sunday’s ‘Night Of Champions’? *SPOILER UPDATE*

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While no official word has been released, the United States Championship match featuring champion Dean Ambrose versus Dolph Ziggler appears to have been removed from the lineup.

The match is no longer listed on WWE’s official Night Of Champions PPV subsite & was left off of a predictions article the website published today. Both men will be on tonight’s SmackDown broadcast and it is likely the WWE will confirm one way or another if this match is taking place.

Harrak’s Hit: Well, that sucks.


Apparently during SmackDown (which has already aired overseas), SD GM states that if Ziggler can beat Ambrose on SmackDown, he will get a title shot at NoC. Ziggler went on to beat Ambrose by DQ and thus Vickie Guerrero made the match official for the PPV.

Harrak’s Hit: Well, that was a lot of work for nothing.

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