Amazing Spider-Man The Clone Conspiracy and Marvel Now 2016 Spoilers and Review follow for Prowler #1.
The book opens with Hobie Brown / The Prowler doing some super-heroics by stopping a bank robbery despite having self doubts and…
…not seeing himself as a hero.
We get the typical credits page with a brief blurb explaining The Prowler series: “Hobie Brown was a brilliant inventor trapped in an unfulfilling job. Inspired to make something more of himself he became… The Prowler“.
Then we go to Hobie Brown’s other job; as sane security for the recently returned to the living, but not clones (?) Spider-Man villains. Hobie Brown works for the Jackal?!
Madame Webb is the benefactor who points The Prowler to his super-heroics assignments. Despite not considering himself as a hero, he rejects Jackal’s insinuation he was a villain or bad guy before.
The Jackal knows that Hobie Brown is restless, and owes him for bringing him back to life per se after the female Electro killed him. So, he tasks him to find the sophisticated hacker trying to get into the Jackal’s files.
Enter Madame Webb who doesn’t know who the hacker is.
We also get a nice recap of the Prowler’s Marvel history.
And, here’s a clean caption free version; gorgeous!
The Prowler history lesson includes his recent work for the Jackal as he is about to enter what seems like a port prison where…
…he is captured by an unknown assailant!
While we get a glimpse at The Prowler #2.
Gorgeous art and coloring by Jamal Campbell and interesting story by Sean Ryan. I enjoyed how complicated and conflicted Hobie Brown was portrayed plus the mystery of his real motivations behind his work for the Jackal. A lot of set up in this issue as part a Clone Conspiracy: Dead No More tie-in. This Marvel Now 2016 debut issue gets a 7.5 out of 10.