DC Comics Universe and Deathstroke #40 Spoilers follows.
Batman Centric Deathstroke Arkham Finale As Teen Titans Crossover Terminus Agenda Begins Early? Diehard With Suicide By Deathstroke?!
The opening part of the book had a Diehard movie vibe with Deathstroke vs. all of Arkham Asylum’s inmates…
…culminating with a battle with the mastermind of all this Doctor Hugo Strange.
He wants “suicide by Deathstroke” and can’t wait so he offs himself?!
Devon and Deathstroke escape Arkham Asylum, but…
…they’re attacked by the Plurians (???)…
…who they make short work of.
The book ends with the Teen Titans visiting Deathstroke’s cell in Arkham Asylum…
…noting he’s killed six homeless men and injured guards.
Is Deathstroke insane? Were there even Plurians? Did he just see Plurians as he slaughtered the homeless men? Sad, creepy, fascinating. This all sets up the Terminus Agenda and Deathstroke vs. the Teen Titans.
Terminus Agenda begins officially in March and ends in May.
P.S. I love the variant cover for the upcoming Teen Titans #29, Terminus Agenda Part 3, in April 2019. Gorgeous with Deathstroke as the heart.