The key to a good ’90s Erotic Thriller is that the filmmaker remembers the order of words. An audience will easily forgive the Thriller part being underwhelming if the erotic aspect is takes up most of the running time. Very rarely in the ’90s did anyone recommend a film from this genre because you won’t believe the plot twist at the end. Unless that plot twist involves even more people getting into the hot tub to celebrate the unmasking of the real killer. Producers weren’t trying to remake Chinatown as they shot around Los Angeles. They had budgets as minimal as their casts wardrobe. Midnight Temptations and Midnight Temptations 2 is a double feature that gets to steamy heart of the genre.
Midnight Temptations (1995 – 85 minutes) opens with a couple getting freaky in and out of a pool. You might wonder what that has to do with the plot. Turns out Alice (The Dallas Connection‘s Wendy Hamilton) is drawing them for a fashion designer competition. The couple that includes her cop friend Christina (Casey Mitchell) aren’t quite as undressed or freaky in reality. Alice has a bit of an overeager imagination when coming up with ideas for her Midnight Temptations clothing line. Her main opponent for the big prize is Danny (Centerfold‘s Justin Lauer), a longtime friend. The two understand that a chance to get their fashion line in production is a break worth going all out for. They’re even willing to sleep around with significant people to score points. But is one of them capable of killing to claim the title. Midnight Temptations gets to the heart of the Erotic Thriller genre. Wendy Hamilton was Playboy’s Miss December in 1991. She reminds us how she received that honor (and appeared in quite a few Playboy videos). Director Ralph E. Portillo (Target of Seduction) and screenwriter Jalee Bailey (also Target of Seduction) get the right mix on screen. Right when you think you’re going to getting stuck with a lot of plot; someone turns on a shower faucet and we get a refreshing break. They film is evenly split between scenes that expose the real killer and expose the cast.
Midnight Temptations 2 (1999 – 86 minutes) proves the original must have been a popular rental tape since the sequel has nothing to do the first film. There are no continuing characters, cast or crew back to answer any lingering questions. There’s not even an update on the Midnight Temptations fashion line. There is a vintage clothing angle though. This wardrobe element was just enough for the fine folks at CPV Productions to connect this film for viewers who need temptations around midnight. Elizabeth Atkins (Jane Daniels in what appears to be her only screen role) answers the door to FBI Agent Tom Jackson (Johnny Gardella who appeared in a 1993 episode of Columbo) and gets more than frisked. Afterward, Tom confesses to her that he’s put in for a transfer out of field work so he can spend less time on the road and more with her. She doesn’t seem so delighted at his wanting to be around her more. She’s not sure why she’s giving him the cold shoulder. While working at her vintage clothes store, she touches an old outfit and begins to have visions of something from the past, but not her past. This leads her to consulting with Bea (Big Trouble In Little China‘s Noel Toy). She is a mystic who guides a stripped-down Elizabeth into trances for Past Lives Regression Therapy. Elizabeth finds herself in the time of the Revolutionary War, The Civil War and more. She meets hunky men, gets freaky with them and then something unfortunate happens. Is she a bad luck lover? Director Rob Spera (who made the legendary Leprechaun 5: In The Hood) makes sure that the audience is eager to see the past lives plot unfold since Elizabeth’s former lives are as steamy as her modern life. They must have rented the historic wardrobe by the hour since the cast doesn’t spend too much time in them. I’m guessing a few fans of Midnight Temptations might have been upset that this sequel isn’t really a sequel, but didn’t care after the third minute of Jane Daniels’ performance.
Midnight Temptations and Midnight Temptations 2 is an extremely tempting double feature to start watching in the late hours. Both films don’t get bogged down by their mystery plots. They deliver the goodness that a fan of ’90s Erotic Thrillers desire.
The Video is 1.33:1 full frame. Both films appear to be shot on film and edited on standard definition video. They were made for the video market. The Audio is Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo. You’ll hear the fashion chatter and past lives regression talk clearly. The movies are subtitled.
Trailers for Different Strokes, Forbidden Passions, Galaxy Girls, Lurid Tales of the Castle Queen, Midnight Temptations, Midnight Temptations 2, Petticoat Planet, Stripshow, Target of Seduction and Ultimate Taboo. All these films are out from Skin Max on double feature DVDs.
Skin Max presents Midnight Temptations & Midnight Temptations 2. Directed by Ralph E. Portillo & Rob Spera. Screenplays by Jalee Bailey, Philip M. Brandes & Rob Spera. Starring Wendy Hamilton, Casey Mitchell, Justin Lauer, Jane Daniels, Johnny Gardella and Noel Toy. Disc Contents: 2 movies on 1 DVD. Rating: Rated R. Release Date: April 23, 2024.