10 Thoughts on WWE Bragging Rights 2010 feat. Orton vs Barrett and Nexus Winning Gold

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Welcome to another WWE PPV recap in the form of 10 Thoughts. Tonight we will discuss WWE Bragging Rights. To read more thoughts on this PPV including why The Nexus can make the WWE Tag Team Championships matter check out itswilltime.wordpress.com.

Now on with the thoughts!

1. Was that the best opening match of the year in WWE? Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler put on a clinic tonight. Daniel Bryan showed that even though he may not be an entertainer, he can enthrall a crowd with his wrestling.

2. I’m surprised to see Wade Barrett out this early in the show. The law of diminishing returns says that this will hurt his heat later in the night.

3. John Cena and David Otunga bringing the Tag Team Championships to The Nexus is a nice idea for the group. I’ve been clamoring for them to get the tag belts for months and am happy to see it happen. I do not see John Cena defending those titles for The Nexus at all. For more thoughts on this check out itswilltime.wordpress.com.

4. I’m happy to see Goldust and Ted DiBiase on PPV, but why have DiBiase win the match if Goldust was just going to leave with the Million Dollar Belt?

5. Does The Undertaker ever win these “signature” matches of his? Why does he have so many anyways? The last ride match, the casket match and the buried alive match are all considered to belong to Undertaker.

6. Can someone please explain to me why The Nexus is helping Kane? Were they hired? Do they just not like Undertaker? Does this setup Wade Barrett vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania?

7. Really? We cut away from the “dramatic” end of the the Buried Alive Match with darkness and Undertaker being mourned to see Josh Matthews smiling backstage? Not a good choice.

8. The Bragging Rights match really does seem like it means nothing. Will there be any reward for Edge and Rey Mysterio on Smackdown for winning?

9. It would have made a lot of sense to promote that John Cena could be fired at this show. It might have helped buyrates that will suffer because of the NFL.

10. The main event’s ending was very predictable. I didn’t hate it, but I do think it’s not okay to give fans a cheap finish when they have to pay over $50 for your show. Randy Orton and Wade Barrett had an okay match that was made worse by a cheap finish.

That’s all for tonight folks! I’ll be back all week with The People’s Column. Make sure to check itswilltime.wordpress.com to see why I believe that The Nexus will become massively important to the lineage of the WWE Tag Team Championships.

Will is a 23 year old graduate student at UC Irvine. He is going to school for Stage Management and has always been passionate about pro wrestling. He began writing "The People's Column" in 2009. In 2010 he started his own wrestling blog, which is growing at an alarming rate. He is married to a beautiful woman (pictured on his profile) who accompanies him to most wrestling events that he goes to. Will is thankful for everyone who reads and interacts with him on Pulse and on his blog.