Gene Snitsky talks WWE Creative and Release


From X7Wrestling Show:

The 7x Wrestling Show recently sat down with Former Pro Wrestler & Current Actor Gene Snitsky for an interview. Here are some of the highlights:

His experience in WWE, when first joining: It was awesome, you know. You’re an independent wrestler making 10-20 bucks if you’re lucky to drive around the state or country or whatever, you know and then they get noticed by WWE and actually be able to get signed and get paid to wrestle, to do what you love doing, you know, it’s awesome, I mean, ya cant beat it. But then you know I never got into wrestling to have it as a job. I enjoyed it, just cause you could do whatever you wanted to and ya know, you got to perform in front of a live crowd and, you know probably 3 years into my WWE road it started turning into a job and that’s when I started getting frustrated. And then you know, it just wasn’t the same after that, it turned into to much of a job. Then, they started to enforce something like a dress code and you couldn’t do this, and you couldn’t do that and if you were late you had to pay 500 dollars. Like it just got to be like, I felt like I was in kindergarten, it was ridiculous.

On what he didn’t like from WWE when being there: Well, there really wasn’t anything I didn’t like doing up until the point where they started making me paint my teeth and shave all my hair off, that sucked. But, up until that point it was great, you know that’s when it started to like I said turn into a job and, just wasn’t cutting it, you know. I was going back and forth with the writers and the creative team and just butting heads with those guys and its like, you got a group of guys that are comic book geeks that never played a sport in their life and they’re trying to tell me who you has played. You know I played Pro football. I’ve played Division 1 College football. I was a top athlete my whole life and these guys are trying to write these goofy scenarios and it was like, come on man…give me a break.

His life is as an actor: Oh it’s great. I mean you know, you get the hang of it. I’m set. You get to work with people that don’t pressure you. I mean it’s nice, it’s relaxing, its easy. I like it a lot. It’s just a much more laid back atmosphere ya know.

Other topics include: Whether or not he still keeps up with the wrestling business and will he have any future wrestling appearances, his thoughts on WWE’s current product, the movie he will be in called “Manos The Search for Valley Lodge” and much more!

Interview Available @

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.