Smallville Casts Blue And Gold….Two Blue Beetle’s And Booster Gold!

Casting News, News

On March 4th Tom Welling will direct an episode of Smallville, written by DC Comics scribe Geoff Johns, titled “Booster”, originally confirmed by Johns at San Diego Comic Con.

Eric Martsolf, of Days of our Lives, is set to play Michael Jon Carter, a 25th century screw up who came back in time to the 20th century to become the greatest hero you’ve never heard of, Booster Gold. Johns has said that we’re going to be seeing a fresh to the present Booster, which would put him at his egotistical best, before he discovered that there was more to being a hero than cashing in, which should make for a very interesting character for Clark to play off of.

Jaren Brandt Bartlett, of The Troop, will be playing Jaime Reyes, who in the comics, is the most recent person to bear the mantle of the Blue Beetle….and who very well may be the subject of this test footage that Johns teased us with last summer.

But then to make things even more awesome, because while the Blue and the Gold is hard to top, nothing beats teaming Booster up with his best friend, and that’s why I’m happy to tell you that Sebastian Spence has been cast to play Ted Kord in that episode. Ted is described as a captain of industry who loses the Blue Beetle Scarab, which causes him to cross paths with Jaime, Clark, and, of course, Booster.

Can I get a “Bwa-ha-ha”?

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.