For a full list of these releases, head to ComicList: The New Comic Book Releases List.
James Fulton
- Colonel Weird: Cosmagog – Jeff Lemire continues to expand the Black Hammer universe, this time collaborating with the brilliant Tyler Crook on a series that focuses on one of the more annoying characters in the stable, Colonel Weird. I’m not sure about this one, but I’ll give it a chance.
- Giga – I’ve become a fan of Alex Paknadel, who has written a number of interesting miniseries at a bunch of different companies. This one is coming from Vault, and has something to do with giant robots. It looks cool.
- I’m also looking forward to new issues of Ascender, Chu, Department of Truth, Doctor Doom, Immortal Hulk, Lazarus Risen, Legion of Super-Heroes, Sex Criminals (the end of it all!), Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Tartarus, Undiscovered Country, and X of Swords: Stasis.
Matt Graham
- Colonel Weird: Cosmagog – I’m always interested in peeling back layers of the Black Hammer comics universe.
- Batman Three Jokers #3 – Still haven’t read #2, but I was taken off guard with an impulse pick up of the first issue and look forward to reading it all in one shot.
- Also excited for Wonder Woman, Doctor Aphra, and playing catch up on this X of Swords event.
I was very disappointed that Black Widow: Widow’s Sting is written by Ralph Macchio the Marvel Editor and not Daniel-san.
Fulton: I don’t know. After watching Cobra Kai, I’ve had enough of him.
Matt: He is pretty cocky.
Fulton: I always thought the comics Ralph Macchio should have written a Karate Kid miniseries at DC, featuring the Legion of Super-Heroes character. Synergy.
John Babos
7 books this week.
- Action Comics #1026
- Batgirl #50
- Batman: Three Jokers #3
- Dark Nights Death Metal Rise Of The New God #1
- Detective Comics #1029
- Legion of Super-Heroes #10
- Suicide Squad #10
Mike Maillaro
- Batgirl #50 – I really enjoyed this run, and I’m sorry to see it go. Barbara Gordon doesn’t always appeal to me, but I’ve enjoyed this series a lot.
- Batman Beyond #48 – Jurgens writing Booster Gold? I will always be all in as a customer on that! Another great DC book that is coming to an end.
- Suicide Squad #10 – I’ve really enjoyed the new characters in this Suicide Squad run, and the twists have been great. Same verse same as the first two…this is another book I enjoy that DC is ending. Add in Young Justice, and it feels like they are trying to push me out the door as a customer.
- Dark Nights Death Metal Rise Of The New God #1– Meanwhile Death Metal continues to drag on and on with no end in sight. This is just a dreary dark crossover that has no appeal to me at all. Can’t wait for this to be over.
- X Of Swords Stasis #1 – Speaking of crossovers, X Of Swords was something I wasn’t expecting to enjoy quite as much as I have been. The adventures of seeing characters working to get their swords and coming together has been far more entertaining that I expected. I do think the Hickman issues drag on a bit, but the middle chapters in particular have been a lot of fun.
- Colonel Weird Cosmagog #1 (Of 4) – Jeff Lemire is always worth a read, but Black Hammer may be his masterpiece. Takes typical comic conventions and throws them for a loop at every opportunity. Been waiting for this mini for a long time. I was pretty bummed out to find out the last issue of Skulldigger + Skeleton Boy isn’t coming out for a long time (May I think?)
- X-Ray Robot #3 (Of 4)
- Action Comics #1026
- Batman Superman #13
- Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)
- Flash #764
- Justice League Dark #27
- Legion Of Super-Heroes #10
- Chu #4
- Amazing Spider-Man #51
- Black Widow Widow’s Sting #1
- Fantastic Four Antithesis #3 (Of 4)
- Savage Avengers #13
- Spider-Man Noir #5 (Of 5),
- Star Wars Doctor Aphra #5
- Strange Academy #4